Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Limit Spending

A proclamation put out by a number of Gedolei Torah in Bnei Brak. 

To all our brethren, beloved sons of Israel, who fear God and revere his name: From the time of our inception as a nation we were distinguished as a people of spirit and nobility, leading modest and wholesome lives... "Nothing is more beautiful than modesty", our rabbis proclaimed, and a life of modesty was the crowning pride of our people throughout the ages. As of late, the stress on luxurious living is taking a toll an ever-increasing toll on our resources of time and money, and as a result the health and stability of entire families suffer... At an assembly of the rabbis we have decided to enact the following ordinances and enforce them with all the powers vested in us by our sacred Torah...
(a) A kiddush in shul marking a family celebration should be limited to whatever extent possible.
(b) Spending on gifts for a bride and groom should be limited.
(c) Guests at a wedding supper should be limited to family and an intimate circle of friends.
(d) The wedding supper should include only one main course, fish or meat, with appropriate side dishes.
(e) No flowers should be placed on the guests' tables.

The problem is that this was 1971. I am not sure that everybody follows this....