Friday, December 27, 2019

Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz ztz"l

Next week [ג' טבת] is the yahrtzeit of HaGaon Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz ztz"l. I think to myself - if he were alive and was giving a special shiur next week - ALL of Eretz Yisraael would come. I mean the Bnei Torah, of course. I am sure that many would fly in from outside of Eretz Yisrael as well. This is not only because it would be SOMETHING to witness tchiyas hameisim in front of our eyes but more than that. Even though there are many many many AMAZING Maggedei Shiur in Klal Yisrael [kein yirbu] I am not sure that many or even any can give a shiur on the level of Rav Chaim ztz"l. His shiurim were ONE OF A KIND awesome. 

So - worry not!! You can go to his shiur - by opening up his sfarim!😊 Not only that, but I found someone on line who is going through his sfarim, giving over his Torah in clear, easy to understand English [and at times in Ivrit.] WOW!!!! 

שמעו ותחי נפשכם!!!!

What makes his Torah even more amazing is that it was said while undergoing great physical suffering. He was very hard of hearing, had serious back pains, there was a constant buzzing in his ears, he had heart trouble and high blood pressure which caused horrible headaches. Add to that that he wasn't sleeping much and probably only ate what was necessary - you have a walking talking miracle of a Gadol Bi-Torah!!!