Sunday, December 29, 2019

The "Mirushaas" Is Duplicitous And Uses Jewish Tragedies To Further Her Agenda

Ilhan Omar tweeted: 

This is shocking and horrific—the latest in a shocking uptick in crimes targeting the Jewish community. We must all demand an America where no one is targeted because of their faith, race or ethnicity. 

Let love prevail.

First of all - the מרושעת is full of baloney. "Let love prevail". Gimme a break. 😟

Second - as someone noted: Ilhan here wants you to remember that, when we discuss Jews being shot and stabbed, we can only do so if "all lives matter". 

This is a woman who once tweeted "Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel".

She recently said: "It's all about the Benjamins baby".

Alleging that American politicians get paid to support Israel, in response to journalist Glenn Greenwald.