Friday, December 27, 2019


This calender year, this blog has featured over 2,300 posts - an all time high!! 

Other sites say "You benefited from us in 2019 - would you like to benefit in 2020? $end MONEY!! LOT$$$$!!! KOL HAMRBEH HAREI ZEH ME$$$HUBACH!!!!

But I am not going there. 

I would like to convey a different message that won't cost you a penny....


Thank you Hashem for the opportunity to spread Your word in this forum and in the well over 1000 recorded shiurim delivered this year. I very much hope that the QUALITY surpassed the quantity because quality is what matters. ONE lone music video featuring a fellow with a yarmulke dancing down the street lip syncing gets more views than ten years of blog posts and shiurim all together. However, I am not sure that these videos make people better Jews and better human beings. Maybe they do. That is not my topic.... I just hope that my words have advanced Jewish knowledge, Yiras Shomayim, Ahavas Yisrael, mentschlechkeit and much more. 

I also want to thank all of the readers for coming and joining me on this wondrous journey of self growth!!! 馃榾馃槝

Maybe we all be inscribed in the book of life and have a gut gebentched year!!!!

Bi-ahava rabba
