Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Pokeach Ivrim - Correction

About this post I received the following email [edited and translated from Yeshivish to English]: 

I think that Abudraham is just proving that loshon pekicha is used where one is not actually blind but just sosum ho-ayin as we see regarding Adam and Chava who were סתומי עין [i.e. lacking da'as] and then their "eyes" were opened. But the bracha we say is thanking Hashem for his ability to see after his eyes were sealed for the night. However, the Rambam in Sefer Ha-Moreh apparently learns the brocha that way. Here are 2 other places the Rambam discusses this concept:

לא תקלל חרש ולפני עור לא תתן מכשול וגו'. עיין רמב"ם פי"ב מהל' רוצח ושמירת נפש הי"ד בא"ד או שחיזק ידי עוברי עבירה שהוא עור ואינו רואה דרך האמת מפני תאות לבו ע"ש. ובפיה"מ שביעית פ"ה מ"ו ז"ל מי שסגרה עיניו התאוה ויצה"ר אל תעזור אותו להוסיף בעורונו ותוסיף להרחיקו מן היושר ע"ש.

I believe that he is correct and I was mistaken [but I am not sure - I keep rereading the language of the Abudraham and can't make up my mind. I am סתום הדעת].

TWICE IN ONE DAY!!! And that doesn't include all of the mistakes I make offline!:-)

So THANK YOU HASHEM for my da'as and THANK YOU HASHEM for my eyes!!!