Monday, June 8, 2020

Painful - Hashem Rules

I am not one of the 81.9 million people [!!!] who follows Trump on twitter. [I follow the Rambam's "tweets".] It is painful to read his tweets. I want to believe that the most powerful person on the planet earth is not a narcissistic, spiteful, bitter, condescending, mocking, shallow [both his vocabulary and ideas], infantile, megalomaniac, egomaniac [to name just a few of his positive qualities] - but his tweets broadcast all of that in broad daylight. He needs serious help and the part of this problem is that he is painfully unaware of his emotional sickness.    

As the conservative commentator Charles Krauthammer z"l put it in 2016:

“This is beyond narcissism. I used to think Trump was an 11-year-old, an undeveloped schoolyard bully. I was off by about 10 years. His needs are more primitive, an infantile hunger for approval and praise, a craving that can never be satisfied. He lives in a cocoon of solipsism where the world outside himself has value — indeed exists — only insofar as it sustains and inflates him … (He) is dangerously out of the mainstream and temperamentally unfit to command the nation.”

Trump, in true Trump form, responded “I get called names by a guy that can’t buy a pair of pants.” Beautiful! Mocking a man who is confined to a wheelchair for his handicap. 

I saw a tweet from today:

"I built the greatest economy in the World, the best the U.S. has ever had. I am doing it again!"

He will go down as the most humble and self effacing president in our history!!!

And given the present state of the economy, as we are on the cusp of a Great Depression רח"ל, this seems like an assertion from a man who is living on the planet Mars and is very high on amphetamines. 

This makes me profoundly sad. Sadder that the next four years is either him or Joe Biden.

As believing Jews we can be relieved with the knowledge that ultimately Hashem runs the country and the world.