Monday, December 28, 2020

A Nonbeliever

Someone I know doesn't believe in masks or social distancing. He says that you get the virus and you move on. He doesn't think all the precautions help anyway. So he doesn't wear a mask and openly initiates physical contact with others [he recently came down with the virus].

I have 3 comments.

1] As I write this I am listening to the Hespedim of Rebbetzin Dr. Weisbrod [who died from Corona], the daughter of Rav Yaakov Weinberg ztz"l and wife of the Mashgiach Rav Berel Shlita. Tell her and her family that you get the virus and move on. And tell that to the other 1.7 plus million people who died.

2] You don't believe in precautions, but the people around you do. Why can't you respect them?

3] You don't think that the precautions help. How do you know? Have you looked carefully at ALL of the data? Are you trained to read and interpret medical data? 

I am befuddled.  Can somebody explain this to me?