Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Neder Neveilah Bittul Women Rabbis And Oxymorons

 A piece of neveilah meat that one made a neder not to eat [if you hold איסור חל על איסור] falls into a pot and is בטל. The neveilah is taken care of and בטל.


But what abt. the neder. Normally we say that there is no ביטול for a neder b/c it is a דבר שיש לו מתירין [through שאלה]. Do we say ביטול here even for the neder since we came on to ביטול for the neveilah - or not????????????? [Hint: רמב"ם מאכלות אסורות פרק ט"ו]

I was thinking of this question in the context of this article I received abt. "Orthodox women rabbis" [an oxymoron if I ever heard one] in the UK. Here is a short excerpt:

Two UK Jewish women who are training to become Orthodox rabbis spoke of their hopes of forging a path for others.

Lindsey Taylor-Guthartz, a teaching fellow at the London School of Jewish Studies and a longstanding lecturer at Limmud, is due to complete her rabbinic studies at the pioneering Yeshivat Maharat for women in New York in the coming year.

Miriam Lorie, one of the founders of the Kehillat Nashira partnership minyan in Borehamwood, joined the yeshivah’s four-year semichah program in autumn.

Dr Taylor-Guthartz told Limmud, “I thought, well if I can do it, I will be a sign to other people that they can do it. And if I am not a communal rabbi, it doesn’t matter… I will have done something that will possibly help the next generation.”

Ms Lorie said she didn’t know where her career would lead but she hoped to be able to officiate at weddings and life-cycle events.

While her career may not fulfill her rabbinic dream, “it might be our daughters’”, she said. “But I hope that what we are doing gets us to the point where it is a norm and it is not controversial.

“I am pretty sure I won’t have a job at a United Synagogue shul in my lifetime but I really have no doubt that in our kids’ generation, women will be rabbis in the United Synagogue.”

It is two years since Rabba Dina Brawer, now in the United States, became the first British student ordained at Yeshivah Maharat.

I would like to present these future "rabbonim-iyos" with this shyla [of Rebbe Akiva Eiger] and see where they take it.....