For the zchus of Moshe Yehuda ben Pesha Dina and Yechiel ben Shulamis
The language of the pasuk [Yeshayahu 45-7] upon which this sentence is based is יוצר אור ובורא חושך עושה שלום ובורא רע [He creates light and darkness makes peace and creates evil] - Instead of ובורא הכל it says ובורא רע. We see that the darkness of this world is called רע - evil. It can be compared to a sumptuous meal prepared by a king but instead of drinking people spill the drinks all over their clothing and instead of cutting the meat with their knives, they cut themselves. So they think that all of the good is really bad. THAT is the darkness of this world which is called "dark" [Bava Metzia 83b]. We have to extricate ourselves from this darkness, unlike the evil people who died during the plague of darkness in Egypt who thought that the redemption was to their detriment and couldn't escape the darkness.
This depends on FIXING OUR BLEMISHES - תיקון הפגמים!! When you have a really ugly stain on your shirt, you would prefer darkness so that people can't see it. People with faulty character prefer the darkness b/c it conceals their inferior character. When we fix ourselves then we merit the Light that this world was meant to be. So it all depends on whether we perfect ourselves and fix our character flaws.
[ואני תפילה]