Thursday, December 31, 2020

Summing Up 2020

Was this a good year or a bad year?

I have a simple answer. It depends: If you grew as a person then it was a good year. If you didn't grow then it was a bad year.

We don't have to "grade" the Ribbono Shel Olam and decide if we like the way He ran things this year. It is CLEAR that He is privy to information to which we are not. So we will leave His job up to Him, firm in our belief that He knows what He is doing.  

We have one singular job - to be the best possible people that we can be. 

So here is my suggestion: Think about January 1st, 2022. Where do you want to be spiritually? What middos do you want to have fixed? What do you want to have learned until then? Do you want your tefillah to be more meaningful? Do you want to improve any relationships?? 

Make a plan and GO FOR IT!!!
