Thursday, December 31, 2020

Tefillah #108 - Elokai, Nehshama Or Birkas HaTorah First?

לזכות רפואת חיים מאיר בן רחל

Do we say א-להי, נשמה before or after ברכת התורה? [Note! One must pause between the words א-להי and נשמה. Hence, the comma]. 

Some people have a custom to say it before and others after. 

Rav Simcha Bunim: You entrusted Hashem with your Neshma at night and He was kind enough to return it. It is basic decency to thank Him for His benevolence - דרך ארץ! And דרך ארץ, we were all taught as children, קדמה לתורה!!! So first א-להי, נשמה and THEN ברכת התורה.

Rabbi Yitzchak Meir of Gur [חידושי הרי"ם]: NO! How can we thank Hashem for the life and vitality of our souls before mentioning Torah? There is no life w/o Torah!!! So first - ברכת התורה!