Wednesday, July 27, 2022

An Idea To Help Save America

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) says she saw more gun violence in her home state of Minnesota than she did in a Somali refugee camp.

Recalling some of the violence she witnessed during the civil war in Somalia during her youth in the war-torn country, Omar said that she had not seen any violence during her subsequent time in the refugee camp waiting to gain asylum in the United States. Shortly after settling in Minnesota, she witnessed a shooting.

She also decried the recent Supreme Court decision last week overturning the precedents first established in Roe v. Wade that guaranteed a nationwide right to an abortion.

"Thankfully, in Minnesota, abortion remains legal," she said.


Since things are SOOOOOOOOOOOO good in Somali, I think it would be better for EVERYONE [except the Somalians] if this terrible excuse for a human being would go back to Somalia. 

As for her abortion stance - She obviously has no problem with killing as long as she determines that it is OK.