Thursday, July 28, 2022

The Writer And The Rabbonim/ Different Lies/ Cold Soup

Rav Hutner was walking on East Broadway with Rav Moshe Feinstein when the playwright Sholom Asch approached.

“Uht kummen Gott’s hint, here comes God’s dogs,” said the virulently anti-religious writer.

Rav Hutner looked at him sadly. “Besser zein a hunt far’n Gott, better to be a dog for God, vi a gott tzu der hint, then to be a god to the dogs,” he said.


 A father, inquiring about a prospective match for his daughter, called for information about one of the talmidim. Rav Hutner spoke glowingly about the young man and said, “I’m not like other roshei yeshivah, who say the same lies about every bochur. I say a different lie about each one.”


As the seudah was being served one Leil Shabbos, the Rosh Yeshivah commented to the talmidim lining his dining room table that proper derech eretz is to wait until everyone is served and seated before starting to eat.

He looked around. “But the real nisayon arises by the soup…. You have to choose between hot soup and kalte derech eretz or varme derech eretz and cold soup….”