Sunday, July 31, 2022

No News Is Bad News?

News sites want revenue. The way they get it is when you click. In order to get you to click, they need to constantly update the site with new "stories". Sometimes, nothing new has happened. So they invent news. 

Example: Polls. Why is it important to know what the polls say about Trump Vs. DeSantis??? The elections aren't for a long time. Maybe it is important to know who is actually serving as  president - but to know what some poll says about who might be president in 16 months??

This is just one example of the endless time wasters that we are fed in order to increase the revenue of people we don't know or care about. Junk food for the brain. Junk food fills you up but fulfills none of your body's needs. So too, time wasters fill your time while giving nothing of substance. Any speculation about the future is a mammoth waste of time. When it happens - we will find out.

Life is short. 

אדם דואג על איבוד דמיו

ואינו דואג על איבוד ימיו

דמיו אינם עוזרים 

וימיו אינם  חוזרים

PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE don't waste time on nonsense.  There is a PLETHORA of it wherever you go!!!