Monday, July 25, 2022

Anti Vaxxers - Where Is Your Data?

A new full length sefer came out about vaccination in Halacha. The conclusion - totally robustly in favor.  

Which brings me to the anti-vaxxers. I have been following them quite closely for some time now b/c I too want to be an anti-vaxxer [I don't like putting junk in my body:-)].... Their claim is that the Covid vaccine causes more harm than Covid. The problem with that argument: They provide not ONE SHRED of evidence. Not ONE study. Yes, there are many cases of people who suffered side effects from the vaccine. But are the numbers even remotely NEAR the 6-13 million [nobody knows for sure] that Covid KILLED and the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS that it made sick. [Anti-vaxxers are usually anti maskers. About masks there really is conflicting data as to whether it really helps, as far as I have seen.]

That being said I am not sure how helpful it is b/c I like countless others got the virus [just recently for 2 "happy" weeks] after taking the vaccine. The Italian "Admor Mi-Fauci" took like five vaccines and four boosters and got it too. They say that it makes the symptoms more mild. Maybe....  But the claim that it is more harmful than the illness seems absolutely off the wall. They are so vocal in their opposition while showing no hard scientific data to support their claims.  

There is one very very militant fellow with a kippah who goes with the title "rabbi" and expends much energy on degrading and belittling Rabbonim who have the GALL to disagree with him and support the vaccine. He too offers no proof for his position other than "who knows? Maybe the vaccine is worse". WOW! Powerful evidence!! Who knows? Maybe drinking water causes lung cancer?? Maybe??? Prove it doesn't! Maybe showering causes heart failure?? Who knows?? Maybe??? Prove conclusively it doesn't! I know a guy who showered and died of heart failure and I know two people who drank water and died of lung cancer. Maybe they were related??!! We go with what we see and we see a virus that killed millions and a vaccine that killed certain individuals.

Two of his favorite victims upon whom to heap scorn are Rav Schachter and Rav Asher Weiss - both Shlita. Bad idea.

כתוב בגמ' (שבת קיט:): "אמר רב יהודה אמר רב: כל המבזה תלמידי חכמים אין לו רפואה למכתו". ר' אברום שפירא זצ"ל לימדנו את הגמ' הזאת, ושאל למה אין רפואה למכתו? ותירץ ע"פ הגמרא בקידושין (ל:), האומרת "בני בראתי יצר הרע ובראתי לו תורה תבלין." "משל למי שהכה את בנו מכה גדולה והניח לו רטייה על מכתו." התורה היא הרטייה, היא הרפואה לכל מכה. מי שמבזה תלמיד חכם – התורה לא נותנת לו רפואה, אין לו את ההגנה שיש לכל יהודי ויהודי כי הוא איבד את הזכות להגנה הזאת.