Monday, July 25, 2022

The Victim

 “If I announced that I was not going to run for office, the persecution of Donald Trump would immediately stop. We know that, everybody knows that. But, that’s what they want me to do. And you know what? There’s no chance I do that. There’s just no chance I do that. I am of the נעלבים ואין עולבים שומעים חרפתן ואינם משיבים!!! All I do is spread love, brotherhood, unity and peace and those retarded inane democrats just attack me, those lousy rodents. How can they attack a person like me who is the symbol of sensitivity and kindness? They are just scared of me. And jealous. Jealous of all my money and my Towers. Name me one democrat with a tower that has his name??? They don't. They just don't. And they never will. Cause they are stupid. I have to go now. I am going to Ivana's grave to lay a wreath of flowers. She really loved me. Big time. Like the American people. DeSantis doesn't like me but who cares. He only became Governer b/c of my help. My help. Otherwise he would be cleaning the streets. May her soul rest in peace and may G-d bless America!!!”

Donald Trump [based on a true story]