Saturday, December 31, 2022


Some people are concerned only with their own physical well being. Money, physical health, comfort, luxuries, vacations, cars etc. etc. Such individuals are, if I may wax Maimonedian for a moment, on the level of בעלי חיים. 

Others are concerned with their spiritual development as well. They learn Mussar and/or Chassidus and really care about the state of their Neshamos.

A higher level is those who are concerned with the material and spiritual well being of their communities. 

A higher level is of those who are concerned with the material and spiritual well being of Klal Yisrael. 

A yet higher level is when a person is concerned with the well being of all of humanity. 

Even higher - all of the cosmos. Such a person knows that Hashem's presence is everywhere and the elevation of the cosmos is the elevation of the שכינה. 

If we are not there - at least we can strive to get there.