Friday, December 16, 2022

Melech HaMoshiach And Melech

The Rambam in Hilchos Melachim [4-8] writes that Moshaich gets 1/13 of the Land that he conquers while a king gets everything [4-10]. 

מאי שנא?

The Rambam talks about Moshiach in the 11th and 12th perek. Why then does he insert this Halacha here about Moshiach in the fourth perek?

The Rambam writes [4-10]: 

All the lands that he conquers belong to him. He may apportion them to his servants and soldiers as he desires and keep the remainder for himself. In all these matters, the judgement he makes is binding.

In all matters, his deeds shall be for the sake of heaven. His purpose and intent shall be to elevate the true faith and fill the world with justice, destroying the power of the wicked and waging the wars of God. For the entire purpose of appointing a king is to execute justice and wage wars as I Samuel 8:20 states: 'Our king shall judge us, go out before us, and wage our wars.'

What is the connection between the beginning of the Halacha [the lands belong to him] and the fact that he must be לשם שמים and that the entire purpose of appointing a king is to execute wars?  


[We completed the fourth perek of our study of Hilchos Melachim בס"ד but there is still so much more to say!!! You are invited to listen to the dozens of shiurim in our Hilchos Melachim series. This is probably my favorite series😀💙💚💛💜😘]