Friday, December 16, 2022

Thoughts Are Energy

 "Like everything else in the universe, the thoughts that you create are made of energy. Thought-energy has no boundary. Your thoughts are not confined to a certain volume and location like your physical body. While we like to think that all of our unspoken thoughts are private and that they are confined to our own heads, it’s not true. Each of us is like a radio station, constantly broadcasting the energy of our thoughts, which emanate from us and fill the immensity of space, touching all those around us for good or ill. This doesn’t mean that we can read other people’s minds, but the energy of other people’s thoughts is detected to some degree on a subconscious level. Try staring intently at the back of someone’s head in a crowd, and inevitably they will turn and look right at you before long. Lots of us have had this experience; if you haven’t, try it. It works every time!"