Thursday, April 13, 2023

Building Resilience

First things first: what is resilience?  It's the ability to endure hardships. Being mentally tough. Remaining unbreakable in mind & spirit, regardless of what life throws at you. Turning tragedy into triumph. 

Without further ado, let's dive into our 7 actionable tips.

1) Understand that suffering is part of life. One look at Instagram & you think you're the only one with any real problems. But the reality is that bad stuff happens ALL THE TIME in life. Don't get deceived by the fake baloney. Life's tough. It's not just you, it's everyone.

2) Focus on what's in your control & accept what's not. Accept the things you cannot change. Develop the courage to change the things you can. Cultivate the wisdom to know the difference between the two. Easier said than done. BUT: you now at least have the framework.

3) Find meaning in your struggle. "He who has a WHY to live for can bear almost any HOW". Viktor Frankl: "In some ways suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds a meaning, such as the meaning of a sacrifice.” Find your WHY. It's key for resilience.

In this context, we'd recommend that you look at Viktor Frankl's "Man Search For Meaning". If Frankl was able to use this to carry him through Auschwitz imprisonment, torture, & losing loved ones, you can probably use it to navigate your own personal hardships.

4) Turn obstacles into opportunities. Marcus Aurelius: "The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.” The meaning of this iconic line is simple: there are no obstacles in life. Only opportunities. But you have to perceive them as such.

Example: you lose your job in this tough economy. Good - it's a chance to reinvent yourself. Maybe this pushes you to become self-employed & finally pursue your true ambitions. Bottom line? You can always turn negatives into positives. So embrace life's challenges.

5) Overcome catastrophizing. If you make a small mistake at work, you're unlikely to get fired, never find a job again & end up homeless. Your brain is playing tricks on you. Building up fears that are divorced from reality. Being resilient requires KEEPING THINGS IN PERSPECTIVE.

6) Make peace with the worst case scenario. Even if your worst fear is highly unlikely, what if it happens? You're much stronger than you think. If you can find a way to make peace with a bad outcome, the fear of it happening will no longer keep you imprisoned. Set yourself free.

7) Focus on the process. It's easy to feel overwhelmed & quit when you keep looking at the giant mountain ahead of you. Instead, armed with your WHY (tip #3), put one foot in front of the other. Break the mountain down into small manageable steps. THEN FOCUS ON THE PROCESS.

In summary: 1) Understand that suffering is part of life 2) Focus on what you control & accept what you don't 3) Find meaning in your hardship 4) Turn obstacles into opportunities 5) Overcome catastrophizing 6) Make peace with the worst case scenario 7) Focus on the process