Monday, June 26, 2023

Gedolei Yisrael

I have said it before on these pages but it is worth repeating.

Who are the boys who continue growing in Ruchniyos after they leave Yeshiva in Israel?

The boys who a] continue learning seriously and b] who maintain a connection with Rabbeim [it could be Rabbeim from Yeshiva or local Rabbonim or preferably both]. 

Those are the boys who "make it" in life - where it counts. Those are the boys who are far more likely to be makpid on davening in shul with a minyan. Those are the boys who have more children and better children. "Better" in the sense that they receive a more wholesome Torah education and are protected from the spiritual toxins that pollute our environment. ALL Jewish children are the BEST and HOLIEST. Some just receive a more Jewish and Torah-dike upbringing than others who by no fault of their own are shortchanged and receive an inferior education. [Of course it goes w/o saying that everybody has challenges with their children.] Those are the boys whose wives dress bi-tzniyus and are more likely to attend shiurim and to be involved in chesed. Those are the boys who when you walk into their homes instead of seeing a large TV set you will see lots of sefarim and pictures of Gedolim. Our heroes. 

Learning and kesher to Talmidei Chochomim. That, in my experience, is the secret. 

[If anyone will ask why I am so low in Ruchniyos it can only be attributed to how much of an Am Ha-aretz I am and the fact that I am not close enough to any Tzadikim. But, as they say, it is NEVER too late. Even for guys like me whose beard is MOSTLY WHITE 馃槻馃槻馃槻].

On Shabbos I heard a man speak at a seudas Bar Mitzva and he was saying how many of us adults wish we could turn the clock back and start again and how lucky the Bar Mitzva boy is that he IS at the beginning. If I could do that I would a] Never watch TV. B] Not follow sports. C] Learn through 转谞"讱 and 砖砖讛 住讚专讬 诪砖谞讛 really well. When you have THAT as your 讙讬专住讗 讚讬谞拽讜转讗 - you made probably the most important kinyan for life you can make.     

Those boys who went out into the corporate world and still daven three times a day with a minyan and learn seriously either early in the morning before work or after a long exhausting day, are my heroes. I was never zocheh to do that. I never had to juggle a real job and learning. So all of those people [and Klal Yisrael is CHOCK FULL of them] are in their own way, GEDLOEI YISRAEL. As are their wives who facilitate everything. 

Get a bracha from one today.