Thursday, June 29, 2023

Who Are Our Partners?

Two of the biggest social media darlings of the "conservative" or "right wing" movement are Dave Rubin and Bari Weiss. They are both proud, outspoken Jews, who bravely and fearlessly speak their truths!!! 


Problem is that in order for them to marry, Dave would have to break up with his "husband" and Bari would have to do the same with her "wife".  


Why is this significant? Because one now has the chance to make double the shadchan's gelt by not only setting up Dave and Bari but their "spouses" as well. Double pay and also the great zchus of diminishing the indescribable spiritual pollution in the world caused by משכב זכור. It causes cancer and much more. But that for another time. 

More seriously, the lesson is that we must never conflate any non-Torah ideology with להבדיל actual Torah ideology. So yes, the conservative-right-wing ideology is closer to our hashkafa than the liberal-leftist one. Conservative by definition means to "conserve" which is what a traditional community tries to do. Liberals are "progressives" who want to change the old way and find "better" ways to conduct society. But after all is said and done - there are plenty of "conservatives" who are living lives of toeva i.e. same sex marriages. Dave himself related that before he found the love of his life, his knight in shining rainbow color honor,  he would go on line and set up meetings with men he didn't know in order to fulfill his tyvos. Another reason one shouldn't have Internet.... So much for traditional families.  

And what about pornography? I mean, every religious person and I assume most conservatives would agree that it is not a positive thing. So you can lie to the pollsters but google results don't lie [humans lie - computers are straight shooters having no agenda].  Research reveals 68 million search queries on the internet, or one out of every four searches, are related to porn. But what about Christians? According to Barna Research, 68% of church-going men [!!!] and more than 50% of pastors [!!!!] regularly [!!!!] view porn 😲😲😲 . These dudes sit at home early Sunday morning, watch the most graphic sexual material, then come to church and give a rousing drasha about being close to god. Then go home and watch some more filth. Next Sunday - wash, rinse, repeat [here they are washing not with water but with mud]. When it comes to Christians 18-24 years old, 76% actively search for porn 😲😲😲 . And those are the "frummies"!!!! Imagine what people who DON'T believe or care that Someone is watching are up to.

So our counterparts and co-idealogues are not the right wingers or the religious Christians - who by the way we have a lot more in common with when it comes to values than we do with most non-Orthodox Jews.

Our counterparts are ONLY Torah observant and believing Jews of all stripes. 

That's it.