Monday, June 26, 2023

No Wrapping/ Crazy Radicals/ Power Couple/ Acidic Jew - A Call For Tolerance And Ahavat Yisrael

"Rabbi Daniel G. has trouble understanding some of the attitudes toward LGBTQ Jews he has encountered in his Orthodox circles. “I understand that halacha limits certain behaviors,” said the leader of Maayan, an Orthodox congregation and partnership-style minyan in West Orange. But “I can’t wrap my head around a refusal to wish a mazal tov to a gay or lesbian couple following a same-sex commitment ceremony.”"

I TOTALLY get it. It just doesn't make sense!! Josh and David are getting married and an Orthodox shul doesn't celebrate with them! A shanda! A disgrace!! A scandal!!! Where is the Ahavat Yisrael?? Don't these homophobes know that the Beit Hamikdash was destroyed because of people like them. Homophobes who are so close minded that they can't accept anyone a little bit different. A wrap is a culinary dish made with a soft flatbread rolled around a filling. I can't bear to eat one when I think of the homophobia that plagues our culture. I can't wrap my head nor can I eat my wrap when there is no appreciation of a same-sex commitment ceremony. [As an aside - As one who is often dumped by chavrusas, I wouldn't mind a same sex commitment ceremony that my chavrusas won't dump me until we finish the mesechta!!! Otherwise - I might just start learning with women. Or maybe I will declare MYSELF a woman and then go get my semicha at Maharat. Thankfully, my wife doesn't read this blog. I don't want her to know about my plans. Shhhhhhh]. 

Rabbi G. is making such a powerful point [given his location, he had probably just eaten a juicy orange]. Thank you Reb DANNYYY!!!! You are truly a light unto this nation and all of mankind. This is truly the achilles heel of the Orthodox community. A complete inability to love and embrace those who don't follow the classical model of sexuality and gender identity. We need a new, COURAGEOUS leadership in this community who can appreciate the nuance of alternative lifestyles even from an Orthodox perspective. It is not all black and white. A man marrying his beloved soulmate, even if he happens to be male, [and the same for two women] is no less a joyous occasion [if not more] than when he marries a female. What's the difference??? Marriage is marriage!!! 

Anything who thinks otherwise is practicing hatred and is doing a worse sin than homosexuality could ever be. 

And I will add a quote from an article Rabbi Daniel's dear wife wrote, Ha-Rabba Jennifer Shlita, a musmeches of the Beis Medrash Hagadol Maharat. I am not making this up. It is simply something out of a science fiction novel. I don't have such a fruitful imagination. Hold on tight. Here goes: 

There is a particular group of crazy radicals, who are making chiddushim — dangerous, new innovations — based on their own opinions of social engineering. These people are disregarding centuries of Jewish traditions, and are changing — and destroying — the traditional role of the rabbi and eroding the very face of the Jewish rabbinate. I speak, of course, of the individuals who have signed public declarations against ordaining Jewish women as rabbinic professionals.

"Of course". Which other radicals could she be referring to?? Disregarding CENTURIES of Jewish traditions where women rabbis were the norm!!! Changing the traditional role of rabbi. 

Rabba Jennifer - You are SUCH an original thinker and social justice warrior, that any shul would be HONORED to have you as scholar in residence. In addition, I would like to know what drugs ["סם החיים"] you are taking because I would like to try them out myself. If I could only get to such states of completely totally being detached from anything even resembling reality as you are. You were probably tripping on acid and I too will start tripping. My bio will be entitled: From Hasidic Jew to Acidic Jew. 


Dear Rabbis Daniel and Jennifer,

You are a true power couple. THANK YOU for your words. I haven't laughed my heart out like that since I was a little boy over 40 years ago [about 1981], and my big brother was going to the movies and my mother forced him to take me along with his friends. The movie was Arthur with Dudley Moore and I was sitting in the theater [it was probably the one on about 84th and Broadway] watching the flick and was HOWLING like an owl [if owl's howl. They must. Almost the same letters. They also rhyme]. I embarrassed my brother. But I couldn't help it. BOY was that movie funny. But you two - no contest. MUCH MUCH funnier.

PLEASE continue sharing your thoughts on social media for the benefit of the greater society. Why should the merriment of Purim be limited to one day if we could have it all year??!!!
