Thursday, June 29, 2023

How To Learn Torah - A Guide For Big Dummies, Really Smart People And Everyone In Between

I was reading an article by a lady who is kind enough to share her *enlightened* views on life and Judaism with the wider public. 

She was saying how she brings a book written by a Christian minister to shul so that she will have something to do there. 馃槻馃槻  [Not to worry - she ALSO brings a book written by a rabbi]. 

She wrote that she doesn't like listening to Krias HaTorah because she simply doesn't agree with some of what she hears. For example - she is in favor of homosexuals and lesbians 讜讻诇 讗讘讬讝专讬讬讛讜 讚讬讚讛讜 with all the accompanying letters and mathematical signs, and somehow the Torah sees it differently.  How can G-d be so obviously wrong on a topic like that? she most certainly ponders with no small sense of angst. Her proof that G-d is wrong is that she disagrees. The final arbiter of truth, in her very profound and sophisticated narrative, is none other than herself. I don't know whether to be more astounded by her sheer brilliance [smarter than G-d Himself!!] or by the profound humility manifest in her approach. 

So we will leave this poor, tortured 转讬谞讜拽转 砖谞砖讘转讛 with her books of Christian theology and get to our point. 

A How-To Guide To Learning Toras Hashem

Open your mind and heart and try to absorb what G-d is telling you. What does G-d think about this topic? If you are learning about the Mishkan - What does Hashem require so that His 砖讻讬谞讛 should dwell in the Mishkan? What does He determine that the exact measurements of the various 讻诇讬 诪砖讻谉 should be?  If you are learning Meseches Keilim - What does G-d think about various Keilim vis-脿-vis their status of Tumah and Taharah? If you are learning Yevamos or Gittin - What does Hashem consider a proper Yibum or Divorce etc. etc. 

Be open to receive Dvar Hashem. How do I understand Dvar Hashem and what would Dvar Hashem be in other scenarios I didn't learn about based on what I did learn? How can I apply this to my life? Remember that when learning you are engaged in the HOLIEST, MOST SUBLIME ACTIVITY ever known to man. Greater than saving lives!!! Greater than giving a million dollars to Tzdaka [and less costly] and greater even than spending a fun filled Pesach, snorkeling in Miami Beach.

Be humble. You don't know everything. You can always learn more. You teacher is an All-Knowing G-d who created EVERYTHING and thus fully understands how everything works. It is He who decides good and evil, right and wrong, pure and impure. [Not the Atlantic, not Ben Shapiro or Jordan Peterson and not even Tucker Carlson!!].  

Every second you are learning it is like your soul is undergoing a thorough cleansing, purification and elevation process that will last continuously for eternity. APPRECIATE THAT. 

Are you filled with simcha at the magnitude of what you are doing and the awe before Whom you are doing it?? 


Now sit and learn.   

How Not To Learn

Approach every text with preconceived notions and if the text doesn't follow your line of thought - reject it. Treat Torah as you would every letter to the editor in the NY Times or tweet on the Internet. Completely subject to your opinion and taste. You like it - good. Not - reject it. Put everything through the filter of your consciousness b/c you are the one who decides what is true and what is not or even if there is such a thing as truth.