Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Baby That Flipped

An email I received from a friend tonight:

I must tell you a story- the most miraculous thing that has ever occured to me - which occured this past week: Basically, for the past two months, our baby has been in what is called franks breech position. Besides the baby facing the wrong way (pretty common), "franks breech" is when the baby's legs are pulled all the way back towards the head, and can chas vishalom cause potential damage to the baby's hips. This worried us, and we immediately began to daven. We began going to the doctor more frequently; every two weeks, and each visit there was an ultrasound performed. I did different things: sent kvittlech to the kosel and maaras hamachpela, continuous davening etc. Still, every 2 weeks we would repeatedly see the baby still remaining in the same position.

About two weeks ago, we had a doctors appointment. Still same position. I wanted to get a bracha from a gadol or mekubal. I figured that perhaps only someone who has the closest possible connection to HKBH can help the situation. I asked my good friend Yossi if he knew of any gadol/mekubal in America that I can go to. His simple answer: No. WAIT, actually there is a tzadik who is coming to America. He told me about Rav Druk who is a very close friend of his in-laws. I knew Rav Druk was chavrusas with Rav Chaim Kanievsky and I have heard hundreds of unbelievable, miraculous stories about Rav Druk. I asked Yossi if there was any chance I could possibly meet with Rav Druk when he was in America. He told me that unfortunately he would not have time to meet but that he could give him mine and my wife's names and Rav Druk would give us a bracha.

This past Monday, Yossi calls me telling me his strange conversation with Rav Druk. Yossi tells me that when he gave the Rav our names, Rav Druk did NOT give a bracha. All he said was, "There's a sefer in their house that's upside down. Tell them to turn around the sefer and the baby will flip." As Yossi said these words, I immediately caught glance of the Gur Aryeh sefer that belonged to my wife. This Gur Aryeh had a cover that was upside down, so I always had to put the sefer on the shelf "appearing" upside down when it was really right side up. I see at this moment, that the sefer looked right side up [which was really upside down]! I told Yossi about the sefer, picked it up, kissed it, and put it back on the shelf right side up. I told my wife about the conversation.

The next night was our doctors appointment. They had told us 2 weeks before that it appeared that baby was stuck in that position and not going to move, and that it was going to be okay - but almost for sure not going to flip. Once we saw the ultrasound this past Tuesday night (the night after Yossi's conversation with Rav Druk), we saw the ultrasound and sat there in utter shock, we were speechless. The doctor himself was shocked without even knowing this story!!! The baby flipped over. A neis nigleh from HKBH! Chasdei Hashem there are still people with ruach hakodesh on this earth!