Saturday, January 7, 2012

The כח הפלפול

Pilpul is the give and take, asking and answering, analyzing and discussing of Torah. The gemara says [nedarim 38] that Moshe Rabbeinu had tovas ayin [a positive generous feeling] and gave the power of pilpul over to the Jewish people. The gemara relates elsewhere [temurah 16] that when Moshe died 3000 halachos were forgotten but were restored by Osniel ben Kenaz through his power of pilpul. This was not a one time event. The ability to be mefalpel ensures the perpetuation of Torah among the Jewish people. The word "tov" means that it lasts, as the Ramban explains on the pasuk וירא כי טוב. The ten utterances gave the world its original existence while the middah of "tov" enables the world to continue existing. In the same way the middah of tovas ayin of Moshe Rabbeinu enabled the Torah to continue existing through the power of pilpul.

[Maran HaRav Hutner ztz"l on the last Shavuos of his life. See Netziv Haamek Davar, Tetzave 27/20 and Yemei Chanuka of Rav Dovid Cohen Rosh Yeshivas Chevron Maamar יג]

When we learn Torah and don't just take things at face value but question and probe we are furthering the Torah's existence on earth. Pilpul is in our hands as a special gift from Moshe. [See also the phenomenal preface to the sefer המדות לחקר ההלכה of Rav Amiel. Off the charts.]