Thursday, December 12, 2019

Pesach Idea

I saw an ad that advertises Thailand for Pesach. First it tells you to go.

Then it asks "Why go to Thailand for Pesach?"

Then it gives a number of reasons [e.g. activities for children! spa and sauna!!]

To be honest - as they say in the Beis Medrash "I liked the kashya better than the terutzim". 

The following quote doesn't necessarily apply to everybody looking to go away to such exotic [i.e. nowhere land] out of the way places but to some:

"כל רדיפת התענוגים אינה אלא להפיג את העצבות הבאה מתוך החושך של החומר".

 רבי אהרן קוטלר זצ"ל