Thursday, December 5, 2019

Random Thoughts on Race, Religion, Politics, Feelings, Gender and Marriage - In No Particular Order

1] Lavan was a white supremacist. Cham loved brownies. 

2] I think the best candidate for President is Stacey Abrams. She is black, a woman, a "progressive" and has a Jewish name. All she lacks is that she is not handicapped [and if she were "married" to a woman - that would be IT]. That would make her a shoe in. Stacey for Prez!!! Or at least Vice Prez.

3] I am boycotting all professional sports until women are allowed to participate. Not one woman in all the leagues - NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL. DISCRIMINATION!!!! Why don't we hear "Defensive tackle for the Steelers - Shauna Jackson!!!" [There is a remez here to a deeper idea.... There are fundamental differences between men and women. PERIOD. Facts don't care about your feelings. Either, by the way, does the scale when you stand on it and it gives the verdict...]

4] They say that the world didn't save Jews from the Nazi inferno because of Anti-Semitism. That is true but only part of the story. Today there are people being cruelly tortured and killed all over the place - China, North Korea, Arab countries etc. etc. There is rampant child slavery in Africa [they make much of the chocolate so many Westerners enjoy]. The world doesn't care. The Jews weren't saved because [most of] the world didn't care about Jews but unfortunately they don't care too much about Gentiles either.   

5] I heard a Rabbi speaking on line and he was appalled that Jews would identify as either Republican or Democrat, as the Torah is neither. For example, Halacha has a much more nuanced position that either the pro-life or pro-death movement. 

That is true. On the other hand, the Torah position is MUCH CLOSER to the pro-lifers than the pro-killers. Every year, there are an estimated 40-50 million abortions performed. 125,000 a day. [ASTONISHING AND COMPLETELY HEART RENDING]. Of these, how many involved cases where either the fetus had a horrible disease or the mother's life was in danger, where the Halacha will permit an abortion? A minute percentage. So to side with the pro-lifers/Republicans is a no brainer. [A בן נח who kills a fetus is חייב מיתה].   

The Left wants to force socialism down the throats of those who don't want it. The Left is constantly bemoaning that the fact that some people are so rich. Where in the Torah do we find that there is anything wrong with being wealthy? Nowhere! What right do we have to take money away from the rich? None. 

On the other hand - there are laws of tzdaka and our society should promote the value and obligation of tzdaka. The Halacha at times allows the courts to compel people to give tzdaka. But that is a faaaar cry from socialism. Free markets have helped tens of millions escape from dire poverty in the last few decades [or so says Arthur Brooks and other economists]. If a guy like Bernie Sanders gets elected it would seem to be סכנת נפשות for the free world. Financial stability of the צבור has the halachic status of Pikuach Nefesh.   

But of course it is a big mistake to think for a moment that ANY POLITICAL PARTY is representative of Torah values and outlook. The entire thrust of modern western society is not in consonance with Torah values. 

6] The cover of Mishpacha this week is about the importance of Halachic pre-nups in order to divorce smoothly. I am far more concerned with the number of Jewish couples who are divorced or having marital discord in the first place. [While not minimizing the distress of the poor agunos and the men who suffer from women who try to destroy them during the divorce proceedings].  

7] "The secret of a good marriage is placing the spouse at the center of your universe."

Rav Zweig

8] Rav Zweig Shlita is one of the wisest people and biggest lamdanim in the USA.