Thursday, August 1, 2019

The Difference Between Fools And Non-Fools

The pasuk says "וכסילים ישנאו דעת" [Mishlei 1-22]. Fools hate wisdom. 

The Gra says that they hate the טרחה [toil] that is necessary to properly achieve דעת. They think that the goal of life is to RELLLAAAXXXX. Chill. They HATE the notion that one must work hard to truly understand. It is opposed to their very essence [in their perception]. The Gra continues:

"כי אינם רואים מתיקותה". 

They don't see the sweetness. Sweetness only comes after toil. "אשר יחדיו נמתיק סוד" [Tehillim 55-15]. סוד - Secrets [of Torah], are sweet because they are attained after hard work. 

You want to be the opposite of a fool? LOVE wisdom and the attendant toil.

[זה השער]