Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Who Is A Captive?

In the olden days, Pidyon Shvuyim was the mitzva of redeeming innocent Jews who were forcibly taken captive by Jew-hating Gentiles. Lots of money and effort were invested in saving these poor and unfortunate souls. The Rambam says that there is no greater mitzva!!   WOW!!! 

Today, it has often come to mean something else. A Jew commits a crime and saving him for paying for his crime is called Pidyon Shvuyim. An American Jew recently got into boiling hot water with the IRS. His Rebbe cut his vacation in Switzerland short and went on a fundraising mission of FIVE MILLION DOLLARS in order to save this man from spending the next few decades behind bars.

If he is innocent - there is nothing to talk about. Of course we have to do everything in our power to save him. But if so much money is being raised and the potential punishment is so severe, there is room to believe that "when there is smoke there is fire". Today in the USA people aren't sent to jail because they are Jewish. [If you believe some on the Left, people ARE sent to jail for being black. I don't buy it. If in addition to being black they commit a crime, then yes.]   

Assuming he really did defraud the government, I ask: Aren't there more worthy causes? I know people who are pure, holy and innocent whose lives are one protracted nightmare. Illness, debt, never-ending stress etc. etc. COUNTLESS FAMILIES could be helped in a significant way with 5 million dollars. So why does it go to a criminal? These families will continue to suffer while this man may or may not be saved from jail [which isn't nearly as bad as it was in the olden days - especially for white collar crimes. Not a picnic but in many cases kosher food, minyanim, daf yomi and a chevre of like minded people....].

Just wondering.