Saturday, December 19, 2020

A FAILURE!!! - My Nose - The Rosh Yeshiva ztz"l And The Rosh Yeshiva ztz"l - Defining Success

Recently, someone I know was trying to prove to me what a failure and loser I am in life [!!!!]. The person said - "Look at how much better than you all of your childhood friends are doing!!!"

First of all - I hope that that this person was RIGHT!!! I hope that all of the kids I went to school with as a child are doing AMAZING!!! Much much much better than me. Like - why not? Their success doesn't detract from me in any way. On the contrary - I want the best for all of them!!! [Even the sweet kid who punched me in the face and broke my nose...馃槀].  

On the other hand - one has to define success. I define success in this world as being close to Hashem, fulfilling His will, connecting to His Torah, improving one's middos etc. etc. Like - the ikker is LESS making a living [albeit important] and more - making a LIFE. 讜讞讬 讘讛诐!! The Torah should give you chiyus!! So if my friends get their best geshmak in life from a simman in Shaarei Chaim [of Moreinu Vi-Rabeinu the Rosh Yeshiva ztz"l], a Maamar in Pachad Yitzchak [of Moreinu Vi-Rabeinu the Rosh Yeshiva ztz"l] or a Teshuva in the Noda Be-yehuda or the Rogochover - then they have MADE IT. Or from an elevating Kabbolas Shabbos, Hallel or act of loving kindness. 

But if their geshmak in life is from a piece of chocolate cake or from making money or from anything that has to do w/ the body and not the spirit - I feel bad for them. 专讞诪谞讜转!!!

So I don't deny that I have failed a lot in life. 49 years of failure - with hopefully 71 great years to come!!馃榾 But we must be careful how we measure success and failure. 

To quote Sir Winston: "Success is going from failure to failure w/o losing enthusiasm."

砖讘注 讬驻讜诇 爪讚讬拽 讜拽诐!!!!! 

One is not a Tzadik despite the fact that he fell - but BECAUSE he fell. And got up!!!