Thursday, December 3, 2020

Siddur #30a: The Short Of It

 OK - פטור בלא כלום אי אפשר! 

A short summary:

We must connect the holy-upper-Torah reality with the "this-world" reality. So we say Shma twice a day, both at night and in the morning. In the Torah reality, day proceeds night [as we saw at Har Sinai]. In our reality, night precedes day [as we saw at בריאת העולם. In life - first darkness then light]. משכימים ומעריבים ערב ובוקר. Both sequences.  

Shema Yisrael is unique to Am Yisrael. It is otherworldly. Beyond the physical senses. Baruch Sheim is this worldly. We connect the two.   

Serious students should better listen to the shiur [or read and understand the passage on their own or with a chavrusa].