לרפואת משה בן מלכה תוך שח"י
"Life is a temporary position. When we are done we turn off the lights and go home."
Yaakov sends a message to Esav [Bereishis 32-5]: "Dear Bro!! I lived with Lavan [עם לבן גרתי] but I didn't become important! I am not a שר וחשוב. I am not a VIP but a VUP - Very Unimportant Person. I am but a גר - a strange man in a strange land!"
This is ODDDD!!! Is Yaakov telling Esav that Yitzchak's brachos weren't fulfilled???
Explained the Holy Kogiklover הי"ד: All of the gifts Yaakov received were not - in his mind - for him to enjoy. Everything he acquired was just a vessel to serve Hashem. This world is not to take but to give. Yaakov was promised יעבדוך עמים - the nations will serve you. But he is but a servant of Hashem and all that a servant acquires belongs to his Master. So everything he has is really Hashem's. This world is NOT his world. The NEXT WORLD is where he belongs. In this world, he is but a גר - a stranger!!! So he is saying "Esav, you are an Olam Hazeh type of guy. So don't be jealous of me!! What I have is not for you. It is all about giving everything I have back to Hashem in his service. You, on the other hand, want to extract the most pleasure out of this world. You are not a גר here on earth. You see this as your only place. You don't live for or even believe in a world beyond this one. So cool off. What I have shouldn't trouble you." It is like giving a beautiful new car to a three year old. Not for him....
BELOVED FRIEEEEENDDS!!!!! Life is TOUGHHHHHHHHH!!! But don't sweat the small stuff. We are only strangers here. Temporary residents. Our visas can expire any day!!! So all we can do is take advantage of every minute we are given with simcha and the knowledge that the more we invest in spiritual pursuits the more we will have in our permanent, eternal residence!!!!