Monday, July 11, 2022

Relating To Homosexuals

"While we recognize that certain activities of SOME members of the gay and lesbian community MIGHT [!!!!] be either Biblically or Rabbinically prohibited - but I think it is also extremely important to recognize that the Torah DEMANDS of us to make sure that every single Jew ... feels comfortable within our community."

Prominent Modern Orthodox Rabbi in Israel 

[I wish he would be as tolerant and accepting of Jews who don't serve in the army and don't say a tfillah for the medina.....] 

In other words - Hey, they do aveiros but we have to make them feel that it is OK and legitimize their behavior in order that they feel good and accepted. 

If a person is attracted to the same sex and is dealing with it and fighting it then of course he/she should be accepted. This is a person with Yiras Shomayim who cares about Torah and Halacha. He is not publicly proclaiming that an aveirah is something to be proud of but rather privately and modestly dealing with his issue.

The "LGBTQ" community isn't fighting the urges but rather is fighting the establishment, Torah, Rabbonim and Halacha. They want to have their aveiros with no repercussions in society. He is having an open sexual relationship with a male and wants maftir as well. These people go on marches in public expressing their PRIDE with having sex with members of the same gender or that they cross-dress etc. etc. How can one take pride in such serious sins? 

Only b/c they openly rebel against tradition and Torah. THAT has no place in our community.

An aveirah doesn't stop being an aveirah b/c so many people do it.     

All this "woke" nonsense is completely against everything we believe in and having the title "rabbi" and saying otherwise doesn't change that.  

If the story of Pinchas would happen today then the "wokers" would say that Zimri was attracted to Kozbi. He should be respected and embraced. Cut him some slack. 

The Torah says that one is חייב מיתה for an act of homosexuality and it is a perversion of Torah to legitimize it.