Thursday, July 14, 2022

Summer Safety Tip

Summertime is THE most dangerous time of year. This is b/c it is virtually not possible that a non-frum woman will be dressed in such a way that looking at her won't contaminate your neshama. Not שייך. 

So what should I do? Stay home all day??

My opinion [not that of channel 4 or its advertisers]: YES!!! A resounding yes. If you don't have to go out for a good reason - don't. Not b/c you are doing G-d a favor but b/c you are doing YOURSELF a favor. Who wants toxic, noxious fumes in one's respiratory system? Who wants the Tumah that comes upon one when he sees naked women? It contaminates your most precious asset: Your Neshama.  According to Chazal, the way women dress today is considered naked.   

And also - don't bring the outside world into your home. Leave the Tumah outside. 

If you HAVE to go out [work, minyan etc.] - go. But know that it is dangerous out there and you don't want to get hit hard. 

We are Jews and need constant reminders that we are commanded to be holy. Almost EVERYTHING in our culture SCREAMS "Don't be hollllllyyyyyyy". 

הן עם לבדד ישכון ובגוים לא יתחשב