In fact - there is a din di-oraisa of קדושים תהיו which obligates everybody on every level. That includes a prohibition on over-the-top Gashmiyus [עי' רמב"ן].
Someone was telling me about a neighborhood which is a Yeshivish version of Beverly Hills. Who lives there? People who can afford it. Who wants to live there? A lot more people who hope to one day be able to afford it. קדושים תהיו is not part of the conversation.
And it should be.
Disclaimer: I am not advocating asceticism. Farshaitzich... Be comfortable. But don't drown body and soul in the Gashmiyus.
And for a higher level -
"ענין הקדושה הוא שיהיה האדם נבדל ונעתק מן החומריות לגמרי ומתדבק תמיד בכל עת ובכל שעה באלוקיו" [מסילת ישרים פרק כ"ו כביאור מדת הקדושה].