Saturday, April 22, 2023


"Never again" implies that we human beings/Jews have the power to prevent a Holocaust. So back 80 years ago we could have prevented it and in the future we can prevent it. 

Both are not true. The Jews in Europe are not guilty and had no power to prevent the Holocaust. If they would have been able to then they would have stopped it. It is not their fault. 

Chas Vi-shalom, something like that could also happen again if it is the will of Hashem. As we speak, our enemies are planning numerous ways of destroying us. It is no secret that Iran is developing nuclear weapons and their preferred target is Eretz Yisrael. 

So instead of spouting empty slogans we should work on our Emunah, Bitachon, Kedusha, Tzniyus, Tfilla, Shmiras Halashon, Shmiras Hamitzvos and all around Dveykus to Hashem.