Today was my grandfather's yahrtzeit [50th or 51st. I don't remember. I myself am only 51 and a half:-)]. He ran away from Europe soon before it was too late with his wife and four small sons. He ended up on the Upper West Side of Manhattan [after a trek through South America]. He grew up as an impoverished orphan and served in the Polish army but through it all kept his resolve to remain a Yid. His four sons, raised in the NY of the 1940's all remained Shomrei Torah. Remarkably. Today he has dozens and dozens and dozens of descendants, a large percentage of whom are B'nei Torah including Mechabrei Sfarim, Rabbonim, Mechanchim [and even one blogger, may he live and be well馃榾]. And counting, 讘诇注"讛 讻谉 讬专讘讜.
Why??? All because he made the decision to remain faithful to his people, heritage and G-d. One decision and look at the fruits. Wow.
He was one of the founders of the Moriah shul [a favorite of mine] on the UWS where Rav Soloveitchik was the Rav. So much of the great Torah we have from him is from Shiurim and Drashos in this venue.
Mussar Haskel: Your decisions count. Sometimes for all the generations.
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