Sunday, June 11, 2023

25 Billion For The Woke

It was just announced that George Soros just gave control of 25 billion dollars to his Left of Left son, Alex, who promises to use it to further his agendas. OYYYYYYYYYYYYYY G-d help us!

25 BILLION dollars in the service of the Sitra Achra.

Fortunately, the Torah world has many of its own billions but alas too much of it remains in the personal possession of people who have trouble appreciating the value of Tzdaka. They give but not nearly enough. We have to fight fire w/ fire i.e. giving more to increase light in order to combat the forces of darkness and evil.  

Hashem is a Giver and the way to cling to Him is to give: והלכת בדרכיו - מה הוא אף אתה:

ספר מסילת ישרים פרק א

- וכשתסתכל בדבר תראה כי השלמות האמיתי הוא רק הדביקות בו יתברך, והוא מה שהיה דוד המלך אומר (תהלים עג) ואני קרבת אלקים לי טוב. ואומר (שם כז) אחת שאלתי מאת ה' אותה אבקש שבתי בבית - ה' כל - ימי חיי וגו', כי רק זה הוא הטוב. וכל זולת זה שיחשבוהו בני האדם לטוב, אינו אלא הבל ושוא נתעה.

Mussar Haskel: You want Olam Haba Hazeh - GIVE!!! You want "הבל ושוא נתעה"? It is EVERYWHERE!! Buy it on Amazon.  


In related news: 

The recent incident featuring Twitter owner Elon Musk comparing nonagenarian financier and philanthropist George Soros to the supervillain Magneto again opened debate about where legitimate ideological criticism of the prolific political funder ends and antisemitic hate begins. Now, two Jewish conservatives have launched a grassroots initiative to clarify. Newsweek senior editor-at-large Josh Hammer and Missouri Attorney General candidate Will Scharf have launched “Jews Against Soros.” 

Their new website says: “There is nothing antisemitic about identifying the many ways that George Soros and his network of organizations fund the radical left. Leftism isn’t Judaism, and being anti-leftist is not the same as being Antisemitic. Period.” The site then lays out the 92-year-old Hungarian Holocaust survivor’s history of funding political activism, including support of the anti-Israel BDS movement. Hammer tweeted: “Soros has dedicated his life to fomenting American anarchism, undermining Israel’s territorial integrity, and destabilizing Western nation-states more generally.” Scharf told The Daily Caller, “We plan to build a grassroots army of Jews committed to standing up against Soros and his brand of leftism.”