Moshe Rabbeinu is described as the most humble man on earth. Besides being a wonderful quality - it is especially critical for leadership.
One sign of a humility is the ability to laugh at oneself and not to take oneself too seriously.
To name two leaders who are arguably "good for the Jews" [mostly]: Trump and Netanyahu. I am quite certain that neither of them has EVER made one public statement that made light of themselves. They both have carefully crafted personas [Netanyahu has spent quite a bit of money to cultivate this myth] of "All Powerful And Almighty You Can Count On Me" leaders. All of Trump's "humor" is directed at his opponents and Netanyahu seems devoid of any capacity to be humorous at all - certainly not about himself.
Another characteristic of I think almost every politician is the inability or unwillingness to admit error. They will often tell you of their accomplishments but rarely about all the times they goofed. And who doesn't mess up from time to time??
But, alas, we are ALL just fragile, deeply flawed, mortal human beings who are very limited in our capabilities compared to perfection.
One stark contrast is the Gaon and Tzadik Rav Avraham Genechovski ztz"l who would take extra measures to make himself into a nobody - despite him being an unparalleled Gadol Bi-Torah. He would purposely botch Psukim and Maamarei Chazal he quoted in order to make himself look bad. When people would correct him he would look surprised that he made the mistake. He was once asked for a Haskama for a sefer on a certain Masechta that he certainly knew by heart and had written reams of Chiddushim about. He expressed surprise that such a Mesachta exists because he never heard of it. He once lowered the level of his shiur in Yeshiva so that the boys would see that there is nothing they could gain from him and switch into another Rebbi's shiur who needed more Talmidim. Just a few examples of his awe-inspiring humility.
Mussar Haskels:
1] Be humble.
2] Laugh at yourself. It is OK. Hashem loves you just the way you are and that is what matters. If you are secure and feel good about yourself then you won't feel such a need to impress others.
3] Our heroes are Gedolei Yisroel and not Chas Vi-shalom politicians - even the "good ones".