Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Sandy - Yom Kippur, Hurricanes And Podcasts

On a popular podcast, a Rabbi was asked if it was a Kiddush Hashem when Sandy Koufax didn't play on Yom Kippur. He replied that it was. 


But I am not convinced [obviously we will let Hashem decide. Our goal is להגדיל תורה ולהאדירה]. 

The Rambam [5th Perek of Yesodei HaTorah] lists various categories of Kiddush Hashem. 

1] Dying for the Torah when the Halacha mandates it - like for the 3 cardinal sins or even for other mitzvos during a times of religious oppression [שעת השמד]. 

2] Refraining from committing a sin or performing a mitzvah for no ulterior motive, neither out of fear or dread, nor to seek honor, but for the sake of the Hashem - as Yoseph held himself back from his master's wife. 

3] When a Talmid Chochom [or at least a frum Jew] comports himself in a dignified manner in front of others which cause them to praise the Torah.

Now let's see: 

Category one - Sandy is still alive. So not that one. 

Category two: Sandy doesn't profess to even believe in Hashem. If he did he probably would have kept the other 612 mitzvos. 

Category three: He was not a religious figure or authority, so that would seem to rule that type of Kiddush Hashem out. 

On the other hand - many were inspired by him and he made people proud to be Jewish and brought to the forefront of people's consciousness that spiritual obligations trump mere sporting events. [In the Sefer Hamitzvos the Rambam says that Kiddush Hashem is publicizing the existence of Hashem by dying for His sake]. 

For THAT - he will surely be rewarded!!! 😊😂  Maybe as part of his schar, he had an entire Hurricane named in his honor!!!😀 

[In general, I am uncomfortable with podcasts that present hot button issues and deal with them in a superficial way. The interviewees often clearly don't have any clear answers to the questions they are asked and will say "I think..." with no real basis in sources, fact or clear logic.  

The better way to learn is to attend a shiur and/or look at and analyze the sources inside.

But better listen to that then - let's say - WFAN].