Thursday, September 30, 2021

Shemittah And Shabbos

 In most Yeshivos, one of  the high points of the week is the Shiur Klali of the Rosh Yeshiva. This is a complex Gemara shiur bringing together many sources to provide a new look at a topic. For many years I learned at Yeshivat HaKotel where the RY Rav Hadari z"l didn't give a Shiur Klali in Gemara. Instead, every Thursday night the Yeshiva boys [the Israeli ones who understood his complex shiurim and high level Hebrew - some attended even though they had no idea what he was saying...] packed the Beis Medrash to hear a shiur related to the Parsha. He would give series of shiurim on various themes. They were off-the-charts-incredible. I only came to appreciate them later in life. The depth and breadth were awe inspiring and jaw droppping.  

One topic he spoke about often was Shemittah and its relationship to Shabbos and the Parsha and Chag. It is a serious חשש בל תשחית דאורייתא not to learn this sefer. Not normal amazing. 

For those who have trouble understanding, I am aware of a person who has been giving over the material in English.... The shiurim are available on line [FREE!!!] and hopefully will continue throughout the year.

If you choose NOT to learn the sefer or listen to the shiurim that is FINE!! But I don't recommend it....😀