Monday, September 20, 2021

Sukkos, Avraham, Chesed And Finding Our CREATOR




In one place the Gemara says that the word "אך" excludes rust [talking about being toivel keilim]. So too, says the Sfas Emes. והיית אך שמח - Without rust. Only UNBRIDLED joy!!!!

Tonight's guest in the Sukkah is Avraham Avinu!!!!!!!!!

Whatta guest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ZEIDE ABIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our common ancestor!

Avraham had two famous qualities [at least] - 1] He was a philosopher [according to the Gemara Avoda Zara 14b he wrote 400 chapters of Theology and Philosophy]. 2] He was a PARAGON of kindness - chesed.

Most intellectuals are NOT known for their chesed and most chesed doers are not known for their towering intellects. Why is Avraham different?

Explained the Rosh Yeshiva ztz"l: Avraham led people to Hashem. That requires intellect but that is NOT enough. Hashem created the world with CHESED. עולם חסד יבנה!!! To get to the Creator one has to cross the bridge of chesed and only then will he find the Source of all chesed.

Sukkos is ALLLLL about chesed. Hashem gave us Sukkos [or clouds of glory] to protect us from the elements. In addition to the מן and well of Miriam so that we could eat and drink. He ALSO gave us the King David, the Inbal and all the apartments and villas in Rechavia where we can spend Sukkos!!! If the Israeli government would only LET US IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Corona Corona go away - we don't want you here to stay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the HAPPIEST of all holidays as the pasuk telling us to be happy is written in the context of Sukkos. [The obligation to be happy on the other holidays is derived from here.] Research shows that the HAPPIEST people on earth are the givers. Do chesed and be happy. Tried and true. 

A super-duper freilichin Sukkos with endless blessings that you can then share with others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!