Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Be Different

There are certain mitzvos and aveiros that many people don't follow. That doesn't mean that they cease to be obligatory.

One example: Machlokes. There is Machlokes in Satmar, in Bobov, in Ger, in Ponovitch and almost everywhere [I just mentioned the places where the Machlokes is well known]. It is not just Charedim and Chasidim. In the Modern Orthodox world there is also plenty of Machlokes. In shuls, schools, yeshivos and many different organizations. There is Machlokes in families. The fire of Machlokes rages everywhere. Sometimes the Machlokes is לשם שמים but that is only for the first few minutes. Then it becomes personal. Maybe there are individuals who remain לשם שמים but they are rare. Why is Moshiach not here yet? That is PROBABLY the reason.

Machlokes is a Torah prohition.

ויקם משה וילך אל דתן ואבירם אמר ר"ל מכאן שאין מחזיקין במחלוקת דאמר רב כל המחזיק במחלוקת עובר בלאו שנאמר (במדבר יז, ה) ולא יהיה כקרח וכעדתו

With regard to the verse: “And Moshe arose and went to Dasan and Aviram” (Numbers 16:25), Reish Lakish says: From here we derive that one may not perpetuate a dispute, as Rav says: Anyone who perpetuates a dispute violates a prohibition, as it is stated: “And he will not be like Korach and his assembly, as Hashem spoke by the hand of Moshe to him” (Numbers 17:5). Even the aggrieved party must seek to end the dispute. Dasan and Aviram accused Moses and by right should have initiated the reconciliation. Nevertheless, Moses was not insistent on this; he went to them.

 רב אשי אמר ראוי ליצטרע כתיב הכא ביד משה לו וכתיב התם (שמות ד, ו) ויאמר ה' לו עוד הבא נא ידך בחיקך

Rav Ashi says: One who perpetuates a dispute is fit to be afflicted with leprosy. It is written here: “By the hand of Moshe to him,” and it is written there: “And Hashem said furthermore to him: Put now your hand into your bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom; and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous, as white as snow” (Exodus 4:6). Based on the verbal analogy based on the term “to him” written in both verses, it is derived that the punishment for perpetuating a dispute is leprosy. [סנהדרין ק"י]

So how can frum people who are sooooooooooooo careful even about minhagim and various chumros disregard an open pasuk? A kashya oif a myseh. That is the way it is.

People are also not careful in matters of kedusha, tzniyus and shmiras einayim. People send around things that are antithetical to everything pure and holy. How can that be? It is. But that doesn't mean that we should no longer strive to be holy. The entire world can be one way and we can be otherwise. Avraham Avinu was called אברהם העברי b/c he was on one side [מעבר אחד] and the rest of the world on the other side.