Sunday, July 10, 2022

Do We Want Geulah???

When do people change? 

When they are feeling pain. When the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of changing - a person changes. No pain - no change. 

Why are we OK with the galus and the three weeks-nine-days-tisha-b'av are just annoyances - especially right in the middle of our summer fun??!! Most of us would do away with all of the halachic limitations of these times if we could - HAPPILY. 


B/c galus doesn't hurt. Galus is comfortable. Our homes are comfortable. Our cars are comfortable. We eat good and plentiful food. We have so many different machines that do our work for us. We live fulfilling religious lives. Lots of shuls, schools, shiurim, community etc. etc. We of course wish certain things would be different but all in all - we are comfy. Gashmiyus is good and ruchniyus is good.

Galus doesn't hurt so we don't really feel we need the Geulah. 

Geulah can even be a hindrance. Will there be Pesach programs when Moshiach comes? Will there be lavish simchas we are used to? Will we have to learn all day??? What about Netflix, the Mets, Sunday barbeques, Vacation Village, whatsapp, Shwekey concerts etc. etc. etc.? The Rambam says that when Moshiach comes "לא יהיה עסק העולם אלא לדעת את השם בלבד" - NOTHING but knowing Hashem ALLLLLLL DAYYYYYY EVERY DAAAAAAYYYYY!!!! No more investments in real estate and the stock market, no more renovating our homes, no more so much of what we are used to and enjoy.   

Do we really want the Geulah? 

Or, to make the question more pointed - do "I" really want the Geulah???