Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Emunah In Olam Haba

In a certain Yeshiva some of the Talmidim disgraced the Mashgiach. Rav Shach heard about this and went to the Yeshiva to give a Mussar talk. 

He said that the boys involved will die a bitter death. The boys shook from fear. 

Then he said that they will go to Gehenom. The boys relaxed.

The reality is that our belief in reward and punishment in the next world is very weak. That is why when people are sinning it doesn't help to say that "You guys are going to be punished in Olam Haba". It doesn't work. People already KNOW that Chazal teach us about Olam Haba but they sin anyway. 

The Avoda is to work on our Emunah in Olam Haba. שכר ועונש are REAL!! MUCH more real than the illusory planet we inhabit....  Such Emunah is a bona fide life changer.