Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Morally Confused

I heard a talk given to post high school students where the speaker was discussing the importance of being concerned with the lives of not only of Jew but non-Jews. And not only non-Jews but non-Jews who are our enemies. 

Be concerned with Jews? GREAT!! 

Non-Jews? צלם אלקים!! Of course! We are not allowed to cause pain to an animal -- CERTAINLY קל וחומר, a human being!! 

But our ENEMIES? We are at war. [See the wonderful article in בעקבי הצאן סימן לב]. When one is at war he should be careful not to cause the enemy any harm? He should be concerned with their well being?? Don't bring guns and tanks to the battlefield but cookies and milk for the enemy!! That seems to be a suicide wish and an idea worthy of only the most highly medicated and inebriated pacifist. We would rather NOT have enemies and would certainly rather not be at war. But if that is the reality we should make sure not to hurt the enemy and be concerned with their well being? 

I am a "lefty" [with regard to wearing tfillin and other halachos...] but this poison is left she-bileft that went so far left that he fell off the planet. 

And this is what our impressionable youth are being fed??