Thursday, June 22, 2023

Reflections On Anti Semitism

Here is a short little piece [only over 10,000 words] on the phenomenon of anti semitism on the right - gulp!! 

If the left hates us and the right hates us then where are we to go?? It's not like there is a center [except for Lamm-ian "Centrist Orthodoxy" but my Rebbi in Yeshiva 35 years would ask how one could be center - as if the left counts as Judaism!] and even if there was - we are surrounded on both sides by hostile parties 馃槉馃槉 . I LOVE parties but the type with food and dancing.

So here is my response. There are people on the left who don't hate us. Maybe they are a little more pro-yishmael but not necessarily anti semitic. As for the right - the consensus is pro-Jewish and pro-Israel. That is why the vast majority of Orthodox Jews vote Republican [in addition to the fact that their values are much more closely aligned with ours than those of the left]. The anti semitism is a fringe element. Tzitzis is a fringe mitzva and we wear them anyway. 诇讛讘讚讬诇 讗诇祝 讗诇驻讬 讛讘讚诇讜转. It is no contest as to which side of the aisle is more pro Jewish and pro Israel [which is almost always the same].

But now I get to the point I really wanted to make.

[That was a point 馃槀馃槀]

讛谉 注诐 诇讘讚讚 讬砖讻讜谉 讜讘讙讜讬诐 诇讗 讬转讞砖讘. Anti Semitism has a loooooong history. It alllll started when they threw the first Jew in a furnace, effectively attempting genocide on our entire people. In my parents lifetime, not that long ago, they threw millions of us in gas chambers and carried out other gruesome forms of killing. We have faith in the 讗讜诪讜转 讛注讜诇诐?? Are we soooooooooooooooo naive??!!

OK - not Europe or the Middle East or the Far East but America. We can trust America. Uncle Sam  - he even has a Jewish name. [Do you know anyone with an Uncle Sam who isn't Jewish??].

The same America that didn't let a shipload of Jews enter the country who were trying to escape the Nazis??  And whose President refused to meet with a delegation of Rabbis in order to talk about how to save the millions being exterminated?? And the Jews had overwhelmingly voted for this President. So the USA, which has been kinder than any other country in history to the Jews can't always be trusted. So who can? Iran?? Iraq? Tanzania???

My THEORY is that Hashem wants us to trust no one but Him!!  馃槉馃槉 We are gracious to all. We express our gratitude for all of the kindness we have experienced. But we can't be so naive as to expect the non-Jewish world to be our friends. 住讬谞讬 is called that b/c 诪砖诐 讬专讚讛 砖谞讗讛 诇讗讜诪讜转 讛注讜诇诐. There is nothing we can do about it and it will only change when Moshiach comes.  

So we should stop worrying about whether the Goyim like us. Some do - others don't. Left, right, alt right, antifa, center, black, Black, purple, red, yellow, white, off white, mocha, conservative, liberal, libertarian, Marxist, Capitalist, Homosexual, Homophobic, Boston Celtic fans even Yankee fans - all of these groups are going to contain people who hate us. For crying out loud - there is no shortage of Jews who hate us. Take Bernie Sanders, Noam Chomsky, Hank Kissinger, and a whole array of self hating Jews. [Or Whoopie Goldberg, who might not be Jewish but golly gee, she wouldn't have chosen that name if she didn't feel like a legit black Hebrew.] People like them wake up in the morning and punch themselves in the face as an expression of hostility towards Jews. "Let it be". The Beatles said so.      

In the meantime we should cultivate relationships that matter. With Hashem and with each other. We aren't supposed to be close to Goyim in the first place, no matter how sympathetic they are to our needs. The Mishna in Avos says 讗诇 转转讞讘专 诇专砖注 which somehow has been forgotten. Jews all too often cherish relationships with people who are a trillion miles away from Hashem, Torah, middos tovos etc. etc. [Something I have been wanting to write about for a while]. The correct approach is expressed by 诪诇讗讻讬: 

讗ָ֧讝 谞ִ讚ְ讘ְּ专֛讜ּ 讬ִ专ְ讗ֵ֥讬 讬ְ讛ֹ讜ָ֖讛 讗ִ֣讬砖ׁ 讗ֶ诇־专ֵ注ֵ֑讛讜ּ 讜ַ讬ַּ拽ְ砖ֵׁ֤讘 讬ְ讛ֹ讜ָ讛֙ 讜ַ讬ִּ砖ְׁ诪ָ֔注 讜ַ֠讬ִּ讻ָּ转ֵ֠讘 住ֵ֣驻ֶ专 讝ִ讻ָּ专֤讜ֹ谉 诇ְ驻ָ谞ָ讬讜֙ 诇ְ讬ִ专ְ讗ֵ֣讬 讬ְ讛ֹ讜ָ֔讛 讜ּ诇ְ讞ֹ砖ְׁ讘ֵ֖讬 砖ְׁ诪ֽ讜ֹ׃