Sefaria put out a booklet that includes "Haskamos" from prominent personages, including:
Kenden Afond, the author of the award-winning Feeding Women of the Talmud, Feeding Ourselves: Uplifting the Voices of Talmudic Heroines and Honoring Them with Simple, Vegan Recipes. [You MUST get this book!!]
Rabbi Sandra Lawson [a direct descendant, bas achar ben, of Cham ben Noach:-)!!!], Director of Racial Diversity and Inclusion at Reconstructing Judaism: “I can't tell you how awesome this would have been to have while I was studying to be a rabbi!”
Social media influencer and Moishe House Artist-in-Residence Miriam Anzovin שר"י, an artist and makeup aficionado from Boston [and self proclaimed atheist - b/c as she explained, Judaism teaches that G-d is not a feminist, so there must be no G-d, עפ"ל. I mean, there is logic here. SHE is a feminist so G-d must be one, too....] who has developed a major following (54.2K followers across TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram!) for her "brilliant" but accessible overviews of the daily page of Talmud, and regularly notes that she could not do this work without Sefaria.
Award-winning Rabbi ["HaRabba HaGeona"] Danya Ruttenberg tweeted in June that “@SefariaProject is a great gift to the world.” In her latest book Making Amends in an Unapologetic World (2022), she writes that we “live in the Great Golden Age of Sefaria.”
They also have a Rosh Kollel from Yerushalayim!!! 🤣🤣🤣 What a Chaburah Kadisha!!
This is important to know b/c their content will reflect their nature of their audience. So Sefaria - like the Internet as a whole, is טוב ורע משמשים בערבוביא. A mixture of good and bad.