From an email that I received:
............. I know for a fact that the churban has reached into Flatbush and Boro Park already. Those who made and attended a “wedding” between two women (Afra lepumay) in New Jersey last week wore long sleeved gowns and shaitels. Their friends and relatives are people that our friends know. This is not far away from us.
There is a very evil agenda and unbelievably wicked people behind this. It has not arisen and spread naturally. Rather, it is being pushed by huge forces with unlimited billions to spend. With the popularization of “transgender,” the reshaim score many of their goals at once. They depopulate, they destroy the nuclear family, they gain control, and they distract everyone from the other rishus they are doing to solidify their tyrannical reign over us, Hashem yishmor.
It is critical to be aware that there are therapists who call themselves Orthodox and who promote to’eiva. If someone- even a child - comes to them with some troubling feelings, instead of helping the person as they should, the therapist pushes the individual into a full-blown life of to’eiva - condemning them to not only spiritual destruction, but destruction of their life and of the generations that were supposed to come from them, as well.
I implore you to not hide your head in the sand. We are in a GLOBAL WAR. Refusing to acknowledge the war and to help fight it hurts Klal Yisrael and does not contribute to your safety.
Consider this:
One of the organizations promoting the transgender cult, JQY, received ONE MILLION DOLLARS specifically to target FRUM kids, and they have eagerly started their work.
“Drop in centers” with food, activities, and “friendship” are planned for FOUR frum communities.
A horrific video, “GESHMAK TO BE A QUEER,” leaves no doubt that it’s the Heimishe segment of the religious community that they have targeted for destruction (who else uses the word “geshmak?”)
Geshmak? What is “geshmak” about living a life of to’eiva? About not knowing if one is a boy or a girl, about taking hormones that make you sick in order to have the appearance of the opposite gender, undergoing life-altering surgeries in order to pretend to be the opposite gender, becoming sterilized, never having a normal marriage or children, and having a very high rate of suicide, depression, and homelessness?
Of the very few whom I have seen speaking up, here is one brave voice. I am quoting excerpts here from an article which, to my surprise, appeared on Israel National News last week.
A simple protest - because, pride lobby, the Torah is not changing
In the Orthodox coddling of LGBT in its ranks, the emperor has no clothes! He is not wearing alternative garb, he is distorting Torah! Op-ed
Rabbi Steven Pruzansky
…“The opposite of this is an equal problem: to show so much “love” that you are misrepresenting the real love of G-d, and are forsaking G-d’s truth in the process. You are so afraid of saying something that might push away the one to whom you are speaking that you cease to say anything at all controversial or potentially disagreeable.”
So writes the American religious and cultural commentator Eric Metaxas in his recent book … Metaxas’ starting point was the anti-Nazi German pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer who tried to arouse the German church in the 1930’s to oppose the Nazi persecution of the Jews. After spending several years in America, he returned to Germany in 1939, was imprisoned by the Nazis in 1943, and executed in April 1945, just one month before the war’s end.
Bonhoeffer failed to convince his clerical colleagues to challenge the Nazis for reasons some of which should sound familiar to us. They were afraid of antagonizing the Nazis, they were not that sympathetic to Jews in the first instance, they saw the big picture and wished to focus on teaching religion, or they just did not want to get involved in politics, controversies, or cultural issues. Bonhoeffer was horrified by this spiritual neglect and condemned them for their failures and the emptiness of the (“religion”) they preached.
While the Nazi horrors are sui generis, Metaxas sees a similar dynamic at play today in his denomination’s reluctance to tackle the cultural and moral issues currently roiling American society. He mentions a number of such issues. One … stands before us as we endure yet another “pride” month. For how long will we remain silent? The easy road is to say nothing, ignore it, move on, focus on other matters, and wait it out, even as the society built on certain moral (and biological) assumptions collapses around us.
… it is the infiltration of this agenda into the Orthodox world that demands we raise our voices and state the obvious: the Torah world will never accept same (gender) marriages or the cult of transgenderism. Period. We should stop pretending that accommodation is possible. It is not.
For almost two decades now, any open discussion of these matters has been stifled by the well-funded activists, with the now familiar litany of accusations: any dissenting voice endangers their lives, encourages bullying and suicide, is cruel and unkind, insensitive and a waste of our time and energy. Those who oppose the agenda are, by their definition, haters, bigots, suffer from a phobia, and are all “obsessed.”
And too many rabbis have responded with such banalities as “there are more important issues to discuss,” “this requires nuance” (a word that apparently means “saying and doing nothing”), “now is not the time” (the appropriate time never comes), or pandering to the mob out of an excess of sensitivity and compassion – while fearing for their jobs, a loss of respect, cancel culture, media attacks, and the like.
And so, we refuse to face the issue head on. Which means what?
It should be stated openly. The LGBT movement, especially in its Orthodox incarnation, is the modern rebellion against Torah, no different than any other rebellious movement against Torah in our history beginning with that of Korach. It makes no difference whether the rebellion is conscious or unconscious; rebellion it is.
The Conservative Jewish movement first strayed by abolishing the mechitzah in shuls, as part of its general conception of an evolving Mesorah. That revolution pales before the LGBT insurrection, which seeks to literally excise a prohibition from the Torah, mocks the very definition of marriage, denies the reality that God created human beings “male and female,” and not three or six or sixty-four genders, as some would have it. It is the very essence of a heretical movement.
Rather than be challenged and distanced, if necessary, as the non-Orthodox movements were, they are coddled, especially when they threaten to “leave Orthodoxy.” We then distort the Torah, and in the process cheat our children … Our youth are being raised to think that what is abnormal is quite normal, that what is unnatural is quite natural, that what is a sign of mental illness is just self-actualization that should be encouraged, patronized, and subsidized. No wonder there is such mass confusion, dysfunction, and unhappiness.
Increasingly, Orthodox Jews are being compelled (in truth, many go quite willingly) to participate in charade weddings, complete with “clergy,” rings, blessings, a chuppah, and, of course, the broken glass. All this in the guise of “maintaining the friendship, rallying around the family, trying to keep the child in the fold” that he or she has already left – and in the process, they betray what is most dear to them and trample on the integrity of the Torah.
It is all one big game of pretend, in which no one is allowed to state the quiet part aloud: the emperor has no clothes! It is not that he is wearing alternative garb.
Do we ponder the ramifications of celebrating a sham wedding that defiles the very concept of marriage and family?
Do we even take a moment to consider that a four-year-old girl who thinks she is a boy needs her parents to take her to a competent mental health professional – not a surgeon?
It is hard to imagine a greater act of child abuse to which children – teens and younger – are being subjected, and all in the name of the golden calf of compassion.
Can’t we just admit that the pronoun game … is silly, and disturbing?
We help no one by mainstreaming mental illness or by egging on people who need therapy. And those who do not protest are accomplices to a rebellion against Torah.
(End of quotes.)
Who is going to cry out unequivocally for Hashem, for the Torah, and to save Klal Yisrael?
The sins and the sinners must be condemned and mocked in the strongest possible terms. It is a Mitzva to hate them, to fight with them, and to foil their plans in whatever way you can.
Tehillim 139:21-22
הֲלוֹא־מְשַׂנְאֶיךָ ה׳ אֶשְׂנָא וּבִתְקוֹמֲמֶיךָ אֶתְקוֹטָט
תַּכְלִית שִׂנְאָה שְׂנֵאתִים לְאוֹיְבִים הָיוּ לִי
(See Mishna Berura Siman Alef Bi’ur Halacha
Dibur Hamaschil V’lo Yisbayish, עיין שם.)
There must be ZERO acceptance of these actions or people within our communities.
You may have been unaware until this point - but now, you must know.
You must protest this in every way.
And, you must distance yourself from everyone who promotes or expresses approval of these aveiros - such as JOWMA and Shalom Task Force (as I have previously documented at length.)
May Avinu Av Harachaman have mercy on us and see our efforts, and may He assist us by destroying the evil and keeping it far away from our camp. May we merit to see the day when the whole world knows Hashem and serves Him with one heart, b’viyas go’el tzedek, bimheira v’yameinu, Amen.